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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cuti Pun Busy Jugak ke? :)


Firstly aku nk ucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada anda2 semua yang sudi menjenguk blog aku ni yang x seberapa nk popular and kebanyakannya isi kandungan yang merapu je. Sekadar nak berkongsi and kalau anda x suka apa yang ditulis dalam blog ni harap minta maaf banyak2 la yeh. lol. Aku dah lama x update blog pun sebab busy. Ada masa untuk internet tapi bukan untuk blogging. cuti pun busy ker? haha biasa la kalau dh jadi orang penting kt rumah ni kan. banyak kerja nk buat.

Alhamdulillah sekarang aku tengah cuti semester, dalam sebulan lebih jugak lamanya. Banyak jugak benda berlaku time cuti sem nih. and antara yang paling best bagi aku adalah, ayah aku dapat kerja baru. setelah hampir sebulan menganggur dirumah. Alhamdulillah berkat usaha dengan doa dia dapat jugak diterima kerja tempat baru. But the problem is, ayah aku dapat kerja dekat KL sana. sangat jauh. and dia terpaksa la meninggalkan kami di sini demi mencari rezeki untuk kami sekeluarga. and sekarang ni dia tengah kursus di Bangkok sana. Dalam minggu depan dia balik semula ke Malaysia. Kemungkinan besar kami akan berpindah ke tempat baru. Mungkin ke Selangor, rasa janggal dan sebak pun ade. Kami dh menetap di johor hampir 21 tahun lamanya and bila terpaksa untuk pindah bukan la satu pilihan yang mudah bagi kami untuk menerimanya. Apa pun kami masih lagi menunggu keputusan dari ayah. Bila dia pulang dari Bangkok nanti kami akan berbincang sama ada pindah atau pun tidak.

Secondly, aku tengah bekerja dengan uncle aku. Kilang bungkus otak-otak. Memandangkan aku cuti lama, dekat sebulan so daripada tak buat apa2 kt rumah aku cari duit kocek untuk menampung kos hidup aku kt sana nanti. X de la menyusahkan mak aku sgt nnt nk bagi duit. Kerja pun okay la, x penat pun. juz duduk and bungkus otak-otak tu pakai daun pisang. Well aku akui memang bosan n sangat mengantuk sebab duduk jer. Dh la aircond so memang mata layu jer bila wat kerja. Tapi papepun aku suka kerja ni, x penat macam kerja kt McD or KFC. Gaji pun aku x kisah sgt pn. Niat aku kerja dgn uncle aku pn sebab nk bantu perniagaan dia. Alhamdulillah order pun sekarang makin banyak. Hurm korang mesti ingat ni otak-otak biasa yang korang makan tu kan. Well uncle aku punya otak-otak lain dari yg lain sebab di buat 100% dari daging ayam. Otak-otak yang korang makan tu 100% daripada kisaran ikan. So ade perbezaan rasa disitu. Kalau korang berminat nak mencuba merasa atau pun berminat nk jadi rakan niaga korang boleh la check kt page FB diorang.

Ni lah dia rupa otak-otak tu. owh btw nama produk ni D'pepes. Sounds a little awkward but that is the name they wanted so I guess its cool though.

Ni keratan akhbar dari metro. Well d'pepes ni masih baru lagi dalam pasaran tu yang korang x pernah dengarkn pasal makanan ni.

Papepun aku nk minta maaf atas kelambatan aku nk mengupdate bahagian2 lain tu. and aku ade janji nk buat tutorial pasal pengunaan Photoshop. InsyaAllah aku akan cari masa yang sesuai nnt aku akan buat tutorial cara mengunakan photoshop. Anyways thanks for reading peeps. Till the next post. :D

Monday, October 10, 2011


Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Seperti yang dijanjikan pada Ver0.6, I will be posting up about one of my favorite assignment this semester, which was also one of the major subjects, it was labeled with the code of PDT212: CREATIVE N MULTIMEDIA IMAGING. This subject mainly revolves with using computer softwares which is Adobe Photoshop and Macromedia Director. and we need to make a flash based slides of any subject relevant. I decided to do about DSLR camera since Im so hyped in finding information about these things. 

Softwares that Ive been using for this assingment is

Adobe Photoshop

As we all usually sees in the webs and internet, there are lots of flash based program and we didnt really know how it was made. So after I learned doing this thing, I know it is not easy and it took alot of works and consideration in making one of these. A lot of heavy picture editting, alot of picture snapping and some few sleepless nights trying to finish this assignment on time. How long did it took me? Nearly 2~3 months due. IS it really that long?? YES it is, bcuz first of all u need to design EVERY pages separately via Photoshop and MUST not FLATTEN the images as every bits of button and details are considered moving when transferring them to the Director. 

Confused? Maybe some illustrations will make things more clearer.

This is my first page design for the slide. as you all can see that I have used multiple numbers of images and done some editing to them, which was the first step. After finishing and transfer images to Director, first off you must not save as JPEG format or flatten the image as it will be the whole lot if you transfer it directly to Director later. What to do? Save all of those important which stuffs like button or images that you want to make them move in a different file.


Look at the right side bar of your screen where your LAYER window is situated. Notice the EYE icon at every item. you need to click them once so it wont be visible. This is very useful when u want to see a different images that were overlapping or want to save images in separate files. Click at the items/layers that you dont want to include including the background layer.

as you all can see from the image above, I have closed all the layers that I dont want to include which only leaves this ENTER button. after that click on FILE>SAVE AS. Make sure that you are saving in PSD format as it will affect how it appears in Director later. If you save it n JPEG, the button/image will have a white background if you add it in Director later on.

Owh and another quick tip, make sure that you create a new folder for these page so it wont scatter off and messes up your working process.

So the next process is transferring all your files to Director.

Interface of the Micromedia Director. So first of, you need to import all your saved files from the photoshop. So how to do it? Click at FILE>IMPORT. Find your file source and you can multiple choose your files by holding ctrl button while clicking.

Click at ADD first then IMPORT to transfer the files.
Note that you can transfer multiple number of files together in one go.

All the files that have been transfered will be visible at the boxes below the timeline bar. Decide which files to be placed first as the the layer on top will be one at the most behind layer among others. SO as an example I will place the background at the top line after the Canon layer.

So at the display window, the background image will rest behind the canon image as it was the most top layer in the timeline. So that is the brief explaination about the layers in Director. 

At the time line bar, you can edit for how long the images will appear, just click and drag the bar for as long as you please. After you have placed all your desired layers and images, it is time to give it a test run by click the play button at the top bar.

The Play button

All the images and layers will be viewed here at the stage window

So I guess that covers up a little brief explaination and a little tutorial of using Macromedia Director. If you guys like me to post up a full tutorial of using Director then comment a request tutorial at this post later. So continue on my story, after 3 months of tiring nights with heavy picture editing and designing, I have finally compiled up to a total of 30 pages with some heavy animations in Director. I had to say that all my hard work paid of and Hopefully Im gonna get an A for this assignment. :D

After finishing all my softcopy stuffs it is on to Hardcopy items. I need to design a DVD cover for this software. 

Front View

Back view

I also need to print out my hardcopy of timeline that I made using Adobe Illustrator. Its a must during the presentation as to explain what comes next and what to explain on the current slide. 

The timeline board.

So here comes the best part. You must mesti nk tengok my final work rite? and so I had the time to record my Flash with some recording software so that you guys can have a look at it. to bad I cant publish it online cuz I had some errors with my files here. So there you have it.

So what do you guys think? Though Im still far away from being perfect or a Graphic Designer bcuz I still have a lot to learn. Anyways dont forget to rate, and as I said before If u guys want to do some tutorials just request em and I'll see what I can do. Anyways thats all for todays post. Till the next installment doods. Cheers :D

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Jom Cari Follower

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Jam tepat menunjukan waktu 3.40am dan aku masih lagi dihadapan laptop sibuk dengan software photoshop dengan MMO games aku ni. Nak update blog tapi mood untuk menulis tak datang lagi so jejalan kt blog orang and turn out I found this segment in his blog which is kinda nice bcuz it is great way to know each other among us bloggers. And I was thinking to join too, U guys should join in too cuz the closing date is 11/10 at 10pm. 

If u guys wanna join in just click at the banner above. 
Anyways I am working on my next post of What Does An Art Student Do section and a little something on a new section I will add-up soon. So stay tuned doods! =D

Friday, October 7, 2011

The End of Semester 3. Time goes by so fast. :(


Setelah melalui minggu peperiksaan yang begitu memenatkan, well x de la penat mana sebab 3 paper je pn sem ni saja wat gempak. haha =P. anyways seperti biasa sebelum kitorang blah dari Shah Alam after final paper kitorang akan meraikan nye dengan menghangout kan diri kt tempat2 cool. I had to say that exam sem ni serius rileks gila, dh la cuma 3 paper pastu gap dia jauh tahap dewa. Apa lagi, foya sakan la. Tapi dalam foya2 pn still lagi buku dlam tangan. Kalau boleh sem ni nk dapat Dekan la katanye. amiinnn. harap2 yg lagi 6 subjek yg lain tu dapat A la hendaknye. 

Pape pn aku just nak summarize kan event2 penting yang kitorang dh lalui sepanjang semester 3 ni antaranya.

Firstly seperti biasa the three of us (Me, Afiq & Alypx) akan mencari rumah sewa. We decided untuk keluar dari rumah sewa yg lama sebab terlalu mahal and accommodation dia tersangat la x best. Rumah kotor plus ade krisis sikit dengan tuan rumah. So malas nk besar citer kitorang chiao dulu. and Alhamdullilah sem ni kitorang dpat sewa bilik, cuma RM 300 jer so after bhagi 3 sorang juz bayar RM100 jer. Okay la tu dari sewa satu rumah lagi mahal kn.

Tadaaahh, ni la rumah sewaku .

Okay la untuk duduk 3 orang. X de la sempit sangat. 

Kedua, Tahun ni pada aku agak best disebabkan oleh subjek photography yg aku kne ambil sem ni. Which means Ive got a present from my parents which is a DSLR camera. Well as before I would never taught I will be caught up in this kind of hobby, bcuz since I was a child I never ever had a slight interest in taking photos. and now, I feel like Im a camera geek. Asal nampak kedai kamera jer mesti usha2 Lens, Speedlite kadang2 tu tgk Kamera model2 baru. Seriusly aku masih lagi noob dalam bidang ni. Masih lagi belajar and mostly blajar sendiri dari buku2 and internet. Kalau nk wat freelance tu pn masih belum capai tahap tu lg.

Thirdly, Sem ni adalah semester paling busy wat aku and kengkawanku yang lain sebab bayangkan 9 subjek and 5 subjek adalah dari carry marks on class means no final exam. Markah adalah sepenuhnya dari projek2 akhir yang kitorang dh buat.


Subjek ni adalah subjek multimedia, means that aku kena buat satu flash multimedia programme for this course. and I decided to make a flash about DSLR camera. aku akan update bahagian ni pada section What does an art student do ver 0.7 nnt.


untuk subjek ni kitorang kena banyak photoshot luar, outting amik gambar. Mostly tajuk2 yang kitorang kne ambil mcm architecture, Still Life, Close ups, Night Scenery. and untuk projek akhir kitorang kne buat PhotoPage. Gambar-gambar yang aku rasa cantik akan aku upload kt bahagian album DSLR aku nnt.

Photopage final aku. =)


Subjek ni kitorang kena design packaging sendiri. Aku dh ulaskan bahagian ni kt post lepas. Check link ni


Untuk subjek ni kitorang kena belajar secara praktikal kt bengkel printing. Kenali bahagian-bahagian and fungsi2 yg ade kt mesin cetak offset tu. Basicly sem ni kitorang x start lagi kendali mesin tu, just pengenalan je. Maybe start sem depan kitorang akan kendalikan mesin offset tu.

Mesin Cetak Offset Heidelberg


Actually aku paling suka subjek ni disebabkan oleh ia ada kaitan dengan desktop publishing and magazine. TAPI oleh kerana kitorang punya kelas ade masalah dengan course registration untuk subjek ni maka kelas kitorang start lambat. Lambat sikit takpe ni lambat hampir 5 minggu. so bayangkan brape byk kitorang kena catch-up balik. Semangat tu macam kurang sikit sebab kena push dengan lecturer tu kaw2 punya. Dah la cerewet habis tapi aku paham dalam bisnes desktop publishing tu memang cerewet sikit tapi rse2 mcm lebih pn ade gak sebab kitorang still student lg. ~__~ Maaf la aku x sempat nk ambil gambar-gambar untuk project Typography aku sebab terlalu kelam kabut nk kejar Dateline assignment. Antara contoh kerja-kerja yang kitorang kena buat design typeface, design masthead, cover magazine and editorial page. untuk course ni kitorang guna fully hand-based and x guna sebarang software pn.

Contoh design Masthead. BUkan aku punya. :)

Contoh anatomi muka depan majalah.

Yang ke empat, Semester ini aku n geng2 aku kena uruskan programme yang bagi kitorang agak besar la jugak. Programme induksi and pemantapan pelajar dekat Kem Dusun Eco Park Pahang khas untuk pelajar2 Diploma Teknologi Percetakan. Aku juz jadi bahagian multimedia jer, member2 aku yang lain handle bahagian2 yg best2. 

Antara snapshot2 semasa program tu berjalan. 

Dari kiri Shah, alypx, Afiq

Dari kiri Ikin, Myra, Auni

Yang baju merah kt tgh tu lecturer photography ye. LoL 

Sebelum masuk hutan
Bergambar sebelum balik.

Well aku rase tu je kot event2 yang penting untuk semester ini. Ouh and seblum balik kitorang sambut birthday besfren kitorang ni. Afiq Marzuki. Walaupun x sehebat mane ini takat yang kitorang mampu. anyways moga panjang umur. =D

Star of the Show

Happy Birthday Marshmellow. lol

Emo gila mamat blakang tu. Besday boy rilek jer.. haha

Dari kiri, Auni, Ikin, Asma',Nas, Me, Afiq, Alypx, Kuri2.

Dengan ini berakhirlah semester 3 kami di UiTM Shah Alam ini. Hopefully semester depan akan lebih baik dari yang lepas2 and the best part is aku dpat kawan2 yang baik2 macam diorang ni. Sampai bila2 pun aku x kan lupakan korang. anyways till the next post peeps. Cheers. =)

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Salam and good day to you all peeps and doods. Oh dear, based on my last post for this section is like way long ago. Deeply sorry for that and to make it up for it today Im gonna tell you guys what I have been doing for my PDT214 which was Packaging Design. Yeap as the Course title said, I have to design my own packaging based on the current marketed packages. It is to train us to develop ideas and quality so that we can create a state of the art packages. Mungkin bagi u guys design packaging is simple as making milo ais kt dapor tu. But sadly it is not. Few consideration that need to be taken before even making that packages. =)

First of, you need to a theme. A theme that fits for your desired product. As an example, a theme in the aspects of colour, Typeface and fonts so that it will blend perfectly with the product. Dont want a pinkish butterfly to be fitted of on a Gents Undergarments boxes dont we? lol. Secondly the boxes it self or the packages. By looking at the boxes ideas may pop up to see fit what design to put on that box. Example if the box was a pyramid kind of shape, you may put a picture that may cover up on the top of the pyramid to create a wonderful eye illusions. Confused? Okay lets get straight to some pictures shall we. 

Okay so this is my Packaging design. It was originally based on a Printer Inkjet's Packaging. I convert it to an earphone packaging (nevermind the Skullcandy. lol) So okay u guys mesti tertanya-tanya why Skullcandy? Lol it was a fake rebadging but it was for educational purpose so I wont get sued, am I? =P. Anyways, yeah this is my final product. How did I design this thing? By using a software from Adobe, the Adobe Illustrator.

Yeah you might have heard of Adobe Photoshop aite but that was mainly for Heavy picture editing and was not meant for Designing anyways. On the other hand Illustrator was made for designing stuffs like packages, and even illustrations of pictures, magazine and etc. Basicly it is not that hard using illustrator if u have been familiar with photoshop because the functions are not so far away from what photoshop has in store.

a little snapshot from the adobe illustrator. Its pretty much complicated as photoshop is. I had to photoscan the actuall package via scanner and upload to pc. Then I retrace back the outline of the package by using pen tool from the software. pretty much straight forward isnt it. Well if u think that way here comes the best part. Filling in the design. As u can see from the picture, placing the correct placement for each of the contents are crucial. The text and design has to be in the right order, and yes I know mine wasnt that much of a thing to brag about but roughly the fundamentals are basicly about this way.

After dah siap semua baru lah di print ke atas kertas art card 280gsm. Why art card? well to hold it off ofcourse, we dont want to print it out on a plain A4 paper with low gsm dont we. (Okay it is getting annoying isnt it? lol ) Anyways my final product print out looks like this.

Open Layout

Final product

Well basicly and roughly the process are most likely this way, where there are more in-depth details actually but I'll skip that part where it was care less. Anyways this is one of my MANY projects these semester. I will add up soon on my next installment. Anyways till the post doods. Cheers =D

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