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Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Assalamualaikum wbt.

Hey2 doods, yeah finally I have made to my second post and this one is a hell of a achievement for me lol. Anyways today aku nk story2 kat korang pasal course aku, Art and Design. Yep, maybe some of you guys akan berkata, "eleh, art boleh pegi mane jer, ape keje leh dpt dari art nie?? aku blaja lukis sendiri pn boleh tak yah sampai masuk U nk blaja lukis2, ape yg korang lukis nie??! x paham aku, eh adik aku leh lukis lg lawa la, " opps cukup sampai disini, byk lagi sebenarnye tapi hati ni panas gak nk taip so biar smpai kt sini. Senang citer toksah la nk memperkecil2 kn orang lain sedangkn diri sendiri pn x brapa nk betul. Okay so move on to our story, Yes, we as an art student always been looked down by everyone but remember that everything in life is art related. Even dalam islam pn ade history art dia tersendiri which I found myself very interesting and mind blowing. (lol sem ni byk belajar sejarah art history, so byk tgk artwork2 zaman dulu yg gmbar pelik2 :P)

Okay, so I move on deeper on the details. Dalam fakulti art and design ade banyak department/branches/gugusan/pecahan and all that. There 9 atm which is,

1.Printing Technology
2.Fine Art
3Photography & Digital Imaging
4.Fashion Design
6.Industrial Design
7.Fine Metal Design
8.Textile Design
9.Graphic Design and Digital Media

Every department has their own special traits and specialty. and as what I heard, course yg mcm goreng pisang panas (sebab ramai gile yg mohon and jumlah student nye paling ramai) ade 2 which is Photography and Graphic Design, hmm paham2 jela, skrgkn tgh hot permintaan utk graphic and CGI designers, Upin dan Ipin and all that bla2.. Okay so aku jatuhnye didalam group no 1 tu, Printing Technology. Kalau korang dh habis fikir "printing?? wat pe je?" then biar aku explain, yes nampak and dengar pn macam kos ntah pape je but you all kne tau we are living in the world where printing is applied everywhere. without printing there is no Books, No box packaging, NO paper to write on or Notepads, NO Kad Jemputan Kawin,NO NEWSPAPER, NO MONEY, dan paling penting no majalah hiburan (Gempak,E-Pop,Kreko,E-Ring and all that). What life could be so boring without magazines to read. XDD. So dh tau betapa penting nya we/us as a printing student? :D

Actually there are no big difference among us art students. Every courses are quite similar and the sylibus are not that far away from what we have in printing. and our printing course sylibus had a drastic changes during our batch. Changes are made and from what I have seen, we printing students are redefined to be more versetile, Graphic/Photography/Printing/Fine Art in one course. We learn drawings, we learn graphics in design and Photoshop, We learn photography and photo editing. so let say we can adapt in any situations :D

So here are some of my sample art works during my first semester.

(Mock up pakai Wire Besi)
(Mock up and Final Project,Subject matter Cili bengala)
Port Folio untuk projek
(Analatytical Drawing)
(Shape and 3D from, made this by using only mounting board)

(Final Project and Mock up)
(Kelas Drawing, Topic Phsycomotor)

Ade banyak lagi gambar2 artwork aku tapi rase nye cukup la sebagai bukti contoh artwork aku untuk post nie. Kalau korang nk tengok lagi artwork2 aku yg hot2 rajin2 la check blog saya ye. Anyways till the next post doods, Cheers :D


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