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Monday, February 7, 2011


hey2 doods, sup? Okay so I have finally got my ass back here at Shah Alam, bertolak dari JB hari sabtu tengah malam and so I arrived around 5am in the morning. Agak tension jgk sbb dlm bas tak leh tido. I dunno why everytime Im taking a long journey with buses Im rarely sleep either it be morning trip nor night trips. Okay aku sampai2 je, terus tumbang kt katil rase2 nye memang dh K.O abes kot, then pg tu aku berangkat kluar utk berjalan2 bersama org tersayang (dh janji nk kuar =D) So after discussing kitorang decided nk pegi sunway pyramid jer sbb tambang nk gi sana murah n tempat tu pn best :D

Okay so kitorang agak blank sekajap bila sampai sne cuz x plan pape pn nk wat ape. So we made a spontaneous decision untuk watch movies. and sampai2 je kt movies kitorang blank skali lagi, tatau nk tgk citer ape, dan2 smpai counter kitorang just main pick jer and guess what movie that we pick? tadaa

(Mr and Mrs Incredible)

Cerita ni agak best sebab CGI animation nye yg melampau and to me not bad la, though jalan citer x brpa nk interesting sgt la cuz yelah citer brdasarkan plot cina zaman feudal so x brapa nk menonjol sgt but as an overall comments, Id say its a movie worth watching. So after penat tgk movies we decided nk pi makan sbb perut dh keroncong je dr dalam cinema td. (popcorn auni habes kn, I dont really like popcorns really :P) penat pusing satu sunway last2 kitrong pick pizzahut jer cuz planning nk makan kfc but kfc closed for some reason. Ape yg kitorang mkn? again..taddaa xDD

(Spaghetti Bolognese with meatballs)

Yg geramnya meatballs dia bg dua ketul jer, gile kedekut xD haha, ape pn kitorang bedal je sbb dh lapa gila. dua pn dua la. :P so after sesi makan2 we'r just doing some window shopping cuz biasa la, kitorang dh x de duit dek aku yg x dpt ptptn n si auni dh kehausan ptptn nye sbb beli byk brg. Bosan jalan2 nk kaki pn dh naik kebas and krem so we find a seat n sesi snapping gambar. haha

ade byk lg tp oleh kerana den segan nk tunjuk kt u alls so biar la I simpan je ye..(maluu laa...haha :D) anyways we really had fun and seriously rase mcm x nk balik je rumah tp sbb kerana assignment byk so kitorang dgn rela hati nye terpaksa balik..haha anyways till the next post okay guys. and sorry I wont be able to update slalu sbb busy dengan assingments ye..okay cheer doods :D

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