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Sunday, March 6, 2011


Moshi2 :D Wats up doods, it has been quite a while since my last update on my bloggy, sgt2 busy dgn assignment art2 kuh ditambah dgn test2 yg melambak, biasa la dh sampai tgh semester kn, some of you guys may facing the same too. anyways since Ive got no new story to tell how bout this time I tell you a little about my history of handphones that i have used.

Okay so it all started out when I was 15, me and my bro decided to buy a phone with our angpow money during eid. We surveyed from shop to shop in finding a cheap and convenient phone. after hundreds of phone we decided to pick this phone since it got recording function and mp3 equiped. Sony Erricson J300i

(Sony Erricson J300i)

It cost us around 230rm if Im not forgotten. we were kinda satisfied with the phone except we were sharing so there are times where we kinda argue when one of us want to use the phone.
right after 2 years, I decided to buy my own phone and that time Motorola was a hit. Kinda ask my frend for some help and finally I got my self the awesome Motorola RAZR V3. I kinda have an obssesion on flip phones so I really liked that phone pretty much.

(Motorola RAZR V3)

I used this phone for a year and a half, and kinda switch to another phone since this phone got no Memory Card so I kinda stuck with some few songs only. How much I wish not to switch phone cuz V3 is awesome already, since it got no MC its a bye2 for me. The next phone on my list were the Sony Erricson K530i. Sadly I only used this phone for only few weeks cuz that phone was stolen when I was in my dorm. Imagine memang bengang tahap cipan plus gelabah plus marah plus sedih. Senang citer aku berkabung lame gak la sbb barang mahal hilang spe x sedih kn. after that aku juz guna phone Nokia murah just wat ade2

(Sony Erricson K530i)

After my SPM examination, Ive my self quite a result though it is not that great but as a reward from it, I got my self a new phone from my granny. It was my favourite phone that time cuz it is a flip phone. Motorola RAZR V3x. It is kinda the same as V3 but it has 3G equipped and Memory Card available.

(Motorola RAZR V3x)

Ni la aku rase phone paling lame aku guna sebab guna sampai jahanam flip phone ni. biasa la laki pakai ganas sikit. agak2 nk angkat call tu dia punya swing bajet macam phone org kaya jer..LoL.
Anyways aku rase aku guna phone ni just 2 tahun lebih jer sbb mmg total lost dh sbb rosak habis smpai nk repair pun x leh. So time tu minat aku kt phone dh kurang sikit so aku just beli phone wat ade2 nk msg and boleh dgr lagu. so phone ni lah jd pilihan aku. Motorola W270. Flip lagi?? aku dh cakap aku mmg obses dgn phone flip. the reasons for it? entah la, mybe sbb bentuk dia unik kot. :P

(Motorola W270)

Phone ni aku beli harga x mahal sgt, dlm rm299 jer sbb function pn just kt music shje. No camera and Bluetooth. SO nk transfer lagu pakai usb cable. Memory card leh sampai 2G so agak byk la lagu leh masukkn. and guess what? phone ni pn dh lan jahanam gak dek sbb flip problem gak la. aku bila nk bukak flip ofcoz ganas. lol and sekarang pn aku just pakai nokia biasa jer. malas nk tukar2 phone. dgr lagu pn skrg pakai PSP aku jer so x de la masalah sgt bile boring nk dgr lagu. teringin jugak nk pakai phone mahal2 cma korang tp aku x kaya byk duit. dh la ptptn x dpt so kena la aku berpuasa beli phone. haha (kesian nye kt aku)

anyways sampai sini jer kot story aku. korang ape cer lak? mesti ade story2 pasal handphone. pape hal de komen la. till the next post doods, cheers :D

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