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Thursday, June 2, 2011


Yep as promised on the last post, I promised to show u guys on the topic "SHAPE" which has something to do with my last post topic which was "FORM". These two had a close relationship that makes them one in terms of art. So in this topic I was told to do a shape, any shape in the small size on a mounting board, and we had to do alot of em. And why? Because we had to do a 3 Dimensional Shape from these shapes that we have made and cut from the mounting board. 

So the trick is we had to combine/compile/joint all those shapes together to form some kind of a shape or anything that looks awesome. And what I had in mind? A super awesome dragon dinosaur like structure. Well it wasnt easy for sure how to construct together all those shapes. I had pick a triangle shape which was for me perfect for making a dragon shaped structure. Owh Im so sorry my paper works for this assignment was somewhere on my storage room which I was too lazy to search for it. But as soon as Ive got the snap shots I will update this post. Only had the finalized picture.

Okay so the tools and items that I used?

(Mounting Board)

(A cutting knife/ cutter)

(some PVA Glue)

well I guess that's it for the tools and items. SO first off, I had to made some rough sketches on the structures and the body so that the model stays put on the long term. So after two days of thinking and sketching I had finalized the structure. Cuts dozens of triangle shapes and I compile them together.

I had to make two of these one for the mock up and one for the final/finalize. As for the finalize version I made twice the size of the mock up so imagine how large it could be. I had to carry it to class with that big sized structure. How embarrasing. LoL. But still Im proud of from what i had made.

So here are the final pictures. sorry I didnt have the paperwork pictures but I will post it as soon as I got it.

I was pretty hard though, combining all those shapes together, and noticed that I only use the triangle shape and with the same size? yep that was the challenge xD

Front view and close up

Added some more triangles on the head for more intriguing looks =D

See the large one at the back? That was 1:2 scale from the actual size of my mock up. The size could reach up till my waist, and that is quite a size, at the right side was my friend's work.

My friends work, couldnt sure what was he thinking though =P

The last snap shot of my beloved art work before I had to submit and give to my lecturer, since she wants it for display sample for junior students next semester. too bad I cant keep em thou. its not like I cant make another one but the spontaneous idea made this thing priceless. heh but anyways on the next post I will posting up for my new 3rd semester subjects which I personally myself think is awesome. Want to know? Stay tune for the next installment of WHAT DOES AN ART STUDENT DO?? The Series =D CHeer..

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